Friday, March 1, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

Yesterday on Little Green Notebook, Jenny blogged about the infamous Circa Lighting's "Goodman Hanging Lamp."  The DIY queen shared a budget-friendly lighting substitute she used in her kitchen.

When I stumbled upon this fabulous kitchen by Athena Calderone, I immediately thought of Jenny's kitchen.  Both designers have the unique ability to mix colors, textures, and the not-so obvious, perfectly.

Everything about this space is spot on.  Keeping the color palette of the walls, cabinets, refrigerator, and pendants the same unifies and opens up a small space. The warm undertones of the grays, mixed with organic touches of wood,  keep the sophisticated kitchen from feeling sterile.  To top it all off, brass accents and gleaming white counters add a touch of glam.   


"Great blends of pattern, like great dishes, must be carefully tasted. And constant tasting is what teaches a cook how to taste."  ~Billy Baldwin


  1. This post contains such beautiful photos that make you feel "in the moment."

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